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Playwriting Contest

We're offering cash prizes to young writers for the best one - act plays or vignettes for young actors in the following categories:
$200  20-30 minute scripts
$ 100  10-20  minute scripts
$  50    5-10  minute scripts

Scripts must somehow be inspired by the idea "It takes a village to raise a child", but creators may interpret the theme however it makes sense to them.


Playwrights may submit a video of their play as well, but this is not required. We may post selected videos on our ATFC YouTube Channel to share your work with a wider audience, with the participants' permission.


Accepting submissions from young people grades 3 -12.


Suggestion: If it's hard for you to get started, you might start improvising/ acting out, a story with friends to see what you come up with. (It might have to be through Zoom!) Choose a good setting, some characters, and a couple of main ideas you want to include related to the theme.  You can write down the parts you like the best and then keep making up more events or dialogue until it all comes together.


If you have additional questions, please contact Bridget Palmer at


Submission Deadline: December 1, 2020









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